The TH-C01 is my first designed and built CPU, just using logic elements. The design has been simulated using the logisim tool.
- 8 bit ALU
- 8 bit Data bus
- 16 bit Address bus (MAX 64k bytes RAM)
- 8 x 8 bit registers (R0..R7) + (R6+R7 as address pointer)
- Dedicated Stack Pointer
- Dedicated PC
- Interruption control
- Expected 100 Khz
- RISC-like architecture with 3 to 5 cycles per operation
Architecture Details
The ALU can operate two 8 bit data (A and B), and its composed of 8 elements that are basically the same.
- A: Operand A bit
- B: Operand B bit
- Aon: Enables A bit operand
- Bon: Enables B bit operand
- Ainv: Inverses the A bit operand
- Binv: Inverses the B bit operand
- Cin: Carry in
- Op (2 bits): Chose operation path
- Sinv: Invert the operation result
- S: Operation result
- Aout:
- Bout:
- Cout: Carry out